Perception of One’s Self

I’ve often wondered how some people can gain 50, 70, even 100+ pounds, but never realize it. After 44 plus years of working in the health/fitness industry, I finally understand “how.” First of all, I gladly devote most of my time to training women over 45 years of age. I do so, because these women

You Are What You Eat: Mentally & Emotionally

We all know by now that nutrition is vital to getting the physical health we want. However, what most people are unaware of, including most of our medical professionals, is that our nutrition is equally crucial to our mental and emotional well being. Did you know that all stimulants become depressants? That includes your morning

Drug Pushers (AKA Doctors)

Drug pushers are everywhere and I’m not talking about the ones standing on the street corners. No, not even close. I’m talking about most of our medical professionals. AKA: medical doctors. Each and every time I go to a doctor, though it’s not very often, they try to suggest either a statin or some other

“Weight Out of Control?”

The typical woman who seeks my expertise is 45 plus years of age. With regard to her physique, what once worked, is no longer working. In fact, the harder she tries to lose the extra pounds, the tighter her pants become—and the more depressed she feels. I love working with women, because, as a woman,


So, you finally have health insurance. Great! Though extremely costly, you pay the excessive premiums—and select the policy that will best protect you and your family. You feel safe and protected, should something arise. Well, think again, because it’s a tragic, and false, sense of security. I think most of us will agree that health


Without a doubt, it’s been an exceptionally stressful year since COVID-19 struck.  So many senseless lives have been lost.  Families have lost loved ones.  People have lost jobs.  Businesses have closed.  With all that heartache, and unrelenting stress coming at us daily, no wonder so many have reached to food and/or alcohol to cope.  Sadly,


Got Cravings? Learn to Control Them for Good!

Wow! 2020 has arrived. Did you lose the weight you wanted to in 2019? Do you have the body, moreover, the quality of health, you so desperately seek? Sadly, most do not. Reality is, cravings are endless, be it for sweets, bread, alcohol, caffeine, pizza, or numerous other junk carbs. While you have long known you

Speak Up, Ladies. It is Your Moral Obligation.

This article is with regard to Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Bill Shine, Bill O’Reilly, and the many other predatory men like them. It is a harsh reality that (some) men with power, feel they have the right to abuse women, be it sexual or otherwise. The many actresses who are speaking out against Weinstein is just


BMI: Inaccurate. Ineffective. Dangerous.

I would hope that in this year of 2017, medical professionals would have the basic knowledge about what constitutes a healthy body. And it’s not BMI. Body mass index is not based on science. It is false. It is misleading. Yet, doctors everywhere are using this useless scale to determine their patient’s health. I recently

Vitamin K2’s Critical Role in Bone, Heart and Brain Health

MK-7 (Menaquinone-7) is an enhanced bioactive form of vitamin K2 from Natto. MK-7 is responsible for the carboxylation of specific bone proteins needed for building bone. Vitamin K2 is absolutely critical for regulating calcium throughout the body. Did you know that if you lack K2, which is not at all found in the American diet, your calcium