
The Cholesterol Scam

Since the early 1950s, doctors have warned their patients endlessly about cholesterol. yet most do not understand what cholesterol is, nor why the body can’t thrive without it. Please allow me: Cholesterol is a type of fat. It is a soft, waxy, fat-like substance found in the bloodstream and in all of our cells. And,

Senseless Suffering

Nearly every single day I come across someone who sadly conveys just how much they suffer from their endless cravings. They feel so ashamed! They feel hopeless and alone in their struggle! And, this, makes me very sad. Why? Because it is truly senseless suffering. Be it cravings for caffeine, carbs/sugar, the bottle, or even


Too Great a Risk

Over the past several weeks, I’ve heard at least four very tragic stories of people being misdiagnosed. Those grave errors, errors that should have easily been detected through the MRI and CAT scans given, have instead, left these people with a certain death sentence. Each was told for over a year that they were “fine,


Eat Fat to Lose Fat!

It’s now February 2012, and yet the lies in the diet industry sadly continue to run rampant! FACT: Eating good healthy fat will NOT make you fat. Why? Because it does NOT trigger the insulin response. Insulin has to be present to store body fat. However, everywhere I look, and every client I work with