So, you finally have health insurance. Great! Though extremely costly, you pay the excessive premiums—and select the policy that will best protect you and your family. You feel safe and protected, should something arise. Well, think again, because it’s a tragic, and false, sense of security.

I think most of us will agree that health insurance is absolutely outrageous in its costs. Most Americans can’t even afford it. And, if you’re lucky enough to afford it, you have to choose a policy that keeps your payments to a minimum, which means you will have less coverage.

Nevertheless, you go through your daily life feeling safeguarded, because you have “health insurance.” If something happens, you feel an overwhelming sense of relief when you hand the medical staff your insurance card. However, reality is, you’ll soon find out that the insurance policy that you’re paying so much for is not at all what you believed it to be.

The confusion first starts with what Maximum Out-of-Pocket and Meeting Your Deductible actually mean. I urge you to please read the fine print. Next, and the one that’s most alarming, is that the healthcare industry is the only industry that doesn’t have to disclose total costs of any such medical procedure. And, once the procedure is done, the real surprise comes when the endless medical bills start to roll in–and for months! They just keep coming in, week after week; $1,200 here, $4,700 there, another $3,200 there. Even with insurance, the medical bills are outrageous.

With regard to my own medical situation, as of July 2020, when I took the time to ask a Kennestone hospital staff member what my outpatient surgery was going to cost, in full, she quoted me $4,366.45. Yet only after the surgery was I made aware that the fee she quoted me was just for the doctor’s fee. She made no mention that the doctor will have his fee, followed by the hospital fee, anesthesiologist’s fee, etc. Never forgetting, the innumerable and excessive costs for the smallest of things, be it the IV bag, tissue, lotion, Tylenol, socks provided, etc. And when you dare to question such costs, you are ignored, instead, they ask if you’d like to pay your bill in full or set up payments. Alarming, to say the least. My out-of-pocket expenses, thus far, for this minor/outpatient procedure, are now over $10,000. We thought we picked a pretty decent insurance policy. Clearly, we were wrong.

I have to ask: Why is it no one breaks down these total costs? Why are the doctors and/or hospitals not required to provide the patients, in extensive detail, this crucial information? Nowhere else do we, as a consumer, enter into something so blindly, as we do with our healthcare/medical costs. So why is the healthcare system allowed to do this? Hell, they have more laws in place to protect us against questionable car repair shops than they do against the out of control healthcare system.

In summary, my life’s passion is helping my clients (and readers) live, as healthy as possible. I encourage them to do everything they can to stay lean and healthy—and OUT of the healthcare system. After all, we simply can’t afford to get sick. Never forget, nutrition is everything, if you want optimum health. If you’re struggling with excess weight, health issues, etc., please, reach out to me. I’d love to help you!

The Greatest Wealth is Health,

Phoenix Gilman
Body by Phoenix (Private Weight Loss & Personal Training Studio)
Personal Trainer, Nutritionist
Researcher, Product Developer, Author
Life Coach, Consumer Activist, Speaker

