Senseless Suffering

Nearly every single day I come across someone who sadly conveys just how much they suffer from their endless cravings. They feel so ashamed! They feel hopeless and alone in their struggle! And, this, makes me very sad. Why? Because it is truly senseless suffering. Be it cravings for caffeine, carbs/sugar, the bottle, or even


Researcher Claims Dietary Supplement Has Superior Success Rate in Alleviating Depression, Unlike Deadly Antidepressants

ATLANTA, GA, August 27, 2014 –When will the psychiatric industry be held accountable for the untold number of tragic and senseless deaths it causes every year with their deadly drugs? Researcher, Phoenix Gilman, however, has a 100% success rate at alleviating depression–and safely weaning clients off antidepressants. How does she achieve this? With a clinically


Lies That Are Making Us Fat, Depressed & Sicker Than Ever

Shockingly, our best intentions to live a long and healthy life are deliberately sabotaged. From the diet industry to the food and pharmaceutical industries, the primary goal of these profit-driven conglomerates is to sell their products at whatever cost. That cost just happens to be our health—and most often—our very life. One only has to