Drug Pushers (AKA Doctors)

Drug pushers are everywhere and I’m not talking about the ones standing on the street corners. No, not even close. I’m talking about most of our medical professionals. AKA: medical doctors. Each and every time I go to a doctor, though it’s not very often, they try to suggest either a statin or some other


So, you finally have health insurance. Great! Though extremely costly, you pay the excessive premiums—and select the policy that will best protect you and your family. You feel safe and protected, should something arise. Well, think again, because it’s a tragic, and false, sense of security. I think most of us will agree that health

Speak Up, Ladies. It is Your Moral Obligation.

This article is with regard to Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Bill Shine, Bill O’Reilly, and the many other predatory men like them. It is a harsh reality that (some) men with power, feel they have the right to abuse women, be it sexual or otherwise. The many actresses who are speaking out against Weinstein is just