
Too Great a Risk

Over the past several weeks, I’ve heard at least four very tragic stories of people being misdiagnosed. Those grave errors, errors that should have easily been detected through the MRI and CAT scans given, have instead, left these people with a certain death sentence. Each was told for over a year that they were “fine,


Diet Plays Critical Role in Depression, Says Researcher Phoenix Gilman

Depression. Anxiety. Panic attacks. Suicide. The obesity rate skyrocketing. Type 2 diabetes running rampant. Now, more than ever, people are suffering from these serious health conditions—and it’s only going to get worse with our current economic meltdown. However, researcher Phoenix Gilman has critical information that can help avoid and/or alleviate these conditions. While everyone is


Caffeine Plays Critical Role in Obesity and Depression, Says Researcher Phoenix Gilman

The #1 most socially accepted, legalized drug is caffeine. Both young and old consume it daily—and at an alarming rate—be it in their lattes, energy drinks, ice teas, sodas, etc. Yet caffeine is highly addictive and it drastically depletes serotonin, a major neurotransmitter that governs critical aspects of the brain’s ability to function properly. Obesity